Personal Development, Personal Performance Financial Markets, Trading Psychology
The following list of ‘Golden Trading Guidelines’ is reproduced from one of my trading journals from 2007. I first started writing my ‘Golden Trading Guidelines’ in 2003, this was 16 years into my trading career. This also coincided with the start of a...
Behavioural Trading, Personal Development, Personal Performance Financial Markets, Trading, Trading Psychology, Uncategorized
‘If only’ is something traders say a lot. If only I had the perfect entry and exit system. If only I had put more size on. If only I would have held on a bit longer. If only I had followed what my gut said. If only ….. (You fill in the gap). Were ‘If only’, and it’s...
Behavioral Finance, Behavioural Trading, Coaching, Personal Development, Trading Psychology
Behavioural Trading: Turning the Behavioural Spotlight on Yourself. If you think being given the trading strategies of the best traders in the world, or a signal system which tells you where to buy and sell will make you a successful trader, then I am afraid you have...
Coaching, Executive Coaching, Organisational Development, Personal Development, Systemic Coaching
20 years ago, I was asked if I would be interested in participating in a trial coaching programme at the Investment bank I worked at. I was in my mid-30s, I had 15 years behind me in my career and was a senior trader at this Investment Bank. My initial reaction to his...
Behavioural Trading, Coaching, Personal Development, Uncategorized
What Will You Be Doing Different to Succeed in 2019? Over the first couple of weeks of the new year, many traders will be asking themselves, ‘what can they do different, better or more effectively in the coming year?’. Most will be conscious that they need...
Behavioral Finance, Behavioural Trading, Investing, Personal Development, Personal Performance Financial Markets, Trading, Trading Psychology
We like to think that our senses lead us in the right direction, enabling us to make optimal choices based on our perceptions of reality. However, often our senses, particularly when faced with complex situations, can distort reality and lead us to make incorrect...