Behavioural Trading, Personal Development, Personal Performance Financial Markets, Trading, Trading Psychology, Uncategorized
‘If only’ is something traders say a lot. If only I had the perfect entry and exit system. If only I had put more size on. If only I would have held on a bit longer. If only I had followed what my gut said. If only ….. (You fill in the gap). Were ‘If only’, and it’s...
Behavioural Trading, Coaching, Personal Development, Uncategorized
What Will You Be Doing Different to Succeed in 2019? Over the first couple of weeks of the new year, many traders will be asking themselves, ‘what can they do different, better or more effectively in the coming year?’. Most will be conscious that they need...
Asset Managers, Commodity Trading Firms, Energy Trading Firms, Financial Market firms, Hedge Funds, HR, Investment Banks, Investment Management Firms, Organisational Development, Organisations, People Alpha, Personal Development, Trading Businesses, Uncategorized
‘People Alpha’ describes the potential additional value Hedge Funds can earn by focusing on the Human aspects of Financial Market performance. Research suggest that generating ‘People Alpha’ represents be a major source of competitive advantage that...
Behavioural Trading, Coaching, Personal Development, Personal Performance Financial Markets, Trading, Uncategorized
What is the one thing in your job you find the most challenging? What is the one thing that makes you feel most uncomfortable? What is the one thing that you know you need to overcome to become better, to be more effective, to grow What is your own personal...